30 September 2010

Misinformed Biases and the RH Bill

The moment P-Noy said that he will back "responsible parenthood" and "informed choice" when it comes to family planning, pinoys everywhere already knew that the Catholic Church leaders (specifically CBCP) would be up in arms all over the issue again. And then, when PNoy followed that up with an expanded version of his take on responsible parenthood, including birth control, everybody knew that that was as good as declaring war on the Catholic Church's "moral" pro-life campaign.

I'm starting to think that "bomb" is to US airports as "birth control" is to CBCP.

CBCP's latest declarations are that the Christian populace would "threaten civil disobedience" if PNoy doesn't take back what he said and that they will excommunicate him (what? Last I checked, it's already the 21st century, not the 9th century :-/). Their reactions are not surprising, but it still makes one roll the eyes. Funny thing they did, generalizing the entire Pinoy population as their congregation. Silly, silly men.

I've read the RH Bill twice. I've also read through these news articles, as well as several other blogs and tweets on the issue. It's unfortunate that so many people are misinformed / uninformed about the RH bill, most especially those "honorable" men in priestly garb.

Check this out:
  • PNoy didn't say he fully supports the RH Bill. He still has his qualms about it, believes it still needs further review and refinement (I agree), but he does agree with the general idea of it, that reproductive health and education is lacking, if not non-existent, in our country.
  • He also never said that the RH bill, or similar initiatives, is the answer to poverty. But, it can be one way to deal with the issue, because the poverty crisis is fueled partly by an ever-increasing population that's already unsustainable (I say "partly" because graft and corruption also contribute to the problem). Too many people, not enough livelihood and education opportunities for everyone. Not enough of everything, actually: food, medicine, shelter, clothing.
  • I don't get why some people think the RH bill is "immoral". What does morality have to do with the population problem? It's a social issue, not a spiritual one. Sure, God does say in the Bible to "go forth and multiply" (Genesis 9:7), but it also says that fathers are responsible for providing for his wife's and family's needs, whatever they are (1 Timothy 5:8).
  • Contraceptives cause promiscuity?  What?  Whether or not the RH bill gets passed, condoms and contraceptives are already out there.  In fact, the RC Church might know more about those birth control pills than we think they do.  BUT, what the RH bill points out is the fact that promiscuity and unwanted pregnancies -- especially among young people -- are largely caused by ignorance and lack of guidance, not by the availability of condoms.
The RH bill actually supports both natural and artificial birth control methods, and is vehemently against abortion as well as teen pregnancies and promiscuity. That's why I'm weirded out by CBCP's claims that the RH bill's main messages are to promote the use of contraceptives and to make abortion legal. These are 100% FALSE.

I encourage you to read the RH bill carefully. Don't be left behind in the dark ages. Be informed and know the facts - The RH bill:clarifying misconceptions, furthering advocacy

At the same time, let's try to understand why CBCP's so touchy about the subject of population management, as well as what other religious groups think about it (you'd be surprised to know who's pro-population control and why :))

The RH bill is not a simple solution. The problem sure ain't simple either. But if PNoy makes the right moves at the right times, and we all cooperate and keep an open mind, things might pick up and actually change. One of the changes that I really want to see is less parents taking the OFW route. It has created more problems than solutions. Money comes in, sure, but at the risk of lost quality time and parenting opportunities, which are what families need more than money.

Let's support PNoy.  Let's support the RH bill :-)


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