12 May 2006

I got Your Back

May 9, 2006 is the first day we ever enrolled any of our boys in a real school. To add to what has already been an exciting event for us, we were able to pay the tuition fee in full-- one whole year, just like that. That's over $900. A couple of months ago, when Jazz firmly said that we'd be paying the tuition fee in full, I was a little worried but soon swished the thought away. I could imagine God sitting in His huge throne, looking down at me and giving me a wink. "See? I got your back, trust Me." And then a big thumbs-up.

Later that same day, I picked up the boys from their playdate in a friend's house. We waited for Jazz to come pick us up with the car, and we'd been waiting for 2 hours already. Finally, I told Jazz that we were just going to meet him at this fantastic dimsum place nearby (Han Pao, look it up if you're in Manila). As we were on our way out the door, my friend's husband comes home and persuaded (that's the key word) me to just wait inside the house while he got one of their guards to get a cab for us. Usually, getting a cab in their area is really easy, so it was weird that 15 minutes had passed and still no cab outside the house for us. And then Jazz sends this SMS that the dimsum place is being renovated. When I replied that since we're still in my friend's house anyway so come pick us up here, immediately, I heard this whisper that sounded like it had a smile: "I told you I'd take care of you. Even for something this small."

I keep getting nice little reminders like that, of the promise that Jesus gave me almost 5 years ago while I was still pregnant with Keoni. I was afraid of the future; of how unready we were to be parents, of how we were going to survive. And then in the darkness, He spoke to me, "Let Me take care of you."

Years ago, I didn't realize just how poignant and enormous that promise's scope was. My shallow thinking assumed that it was daily provisions, jobs, health... and that was perfectly fine with me. But I had overlooked one major detail: the One who wanted to take care of me, of us, is the GOD ALMIGHTY. As a pastor said before, a King thinks very differently. The immense reach of Kings surpasses imagination and understanding. What more with the King of Kings?

And today, He reminds me again... almost like a courtship...

A line in a popular hymn states, “As He whispers in my ear, I am His and He is mine.” What are the things God is whispering to you today? His voice will speak the best words you will ever hear. Quiet your heart. Hear Him saying to you, “Come to Me. Draw close to Me. Come closer still. Let Me comfort you with My mercies… encompass you with My grace… assure you with My presence… embrace you with My love.” God has so many tender things to whisper to you. Each day He invites you to come close, to draw near, and to listen.
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