05 September 2013

So Much Bigger than My World

When I started writing this, I was feeling overwhelmed by so much responsibility and concerns. Plans for the months ahead, bills that must be paid, lessons to be learned and to be passed on. I was (still am) also angry at the injustices brought upon us by "leaders", by those who have forgotten what it is to be human. I kept telling myself that it's all but a cycle. God knows and God will avenge. But for some reason, those thoughts didn't seem to comfort me. And then I realized, I was looking at this the wrong way.

I shouldn't be concerned about revenge or survival. I shouldn't be OK with just doing my part and leaving the rest to God. While I'm sure it's true and right to do my best and entrust everything else to God, I'm pretty sure it's also true that God is not pleased with all the crazy that's happening. In times of injustice, pain, discouragement -- He is there with us; His hands ready to receive all the tears and groans of exhaustion and anger. I know He wants to be the "shoulder" for me to cry on.

The truth is, we need to see how great God really is. He is worthy of our praise despite any situation we face in our lives. In the light of this realization, I am humbled by this truth: Worship is letting go of what seems to be too much, and letting it all fall at the feet of the One who is so much bigger than anything else.

I'm OK and I will be OK. Because He's got my back. He promised to protect me, fight for me, and provide for me. What more can I ask for? I put my trust in Him wholly and for all eternity.

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