30 January 2013

10 Truths for Little Boys Before Turning 10

Inspired by an article of a similar title but for little girls, I'm sharing here 10 things we teach our boys.

1. It's OK to cry.
None of that macho-wacho stuff. Who says boys can't be honest with their feelings? If you take the time to listen to their thoughts, ideas, opinions while they're young, you build a trusting and honest relationship with your kids.

2. Share.
Sharing is not just about kindness. It's also about being considerate and selfless. It builds social awareness.

3. Be a gentleman; don't wait to be asked to help.
Being a gentleman has nothing to do with being gallant. It's about showing respect, courtesy, and initiative.

4. Walk away.
Choose your battles. More often than not, some battles are waged for the wrong reasons and with the wrong weapons. Walk away and use your strengths on better things.

5. Ask for help.
All too often, some of my guy friends have proven certain male stereotypes true. Like how guys don't like asking for help at the risk of appearing clueless or weak. Save yourself precious time and effort by asking for help.

6. Put things back where they belong.
Another stereotype that I've seen proven countless times over is that guys are messy. Being messy isn't just yucky and annoying, it can create a potential health hazard and cause you to lose or misplace important things.

7. Help clean the house.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with guys learning how to do household chores.

8. Don't hit girls.
Kids have a simple view of the world. No status, family background, gender. So when rough play happens, someone will get hurt. We taught our boys early on to treat girls more carefully.

9. Learn to cook.
Thanks to the Food Network, Asian Food Channel, and other similar channels/shows, boys now grow up seeing guys at the stove and in the kitchen and doing grocery shopping. It's now as important for boys to learn their way around the kitchen as it is for girls to learn how to use tools.

10. Look nice.
Let's not make this about grooming or being fashionable. Being presentable is not about appearances. It's about self-respect and respect for others. When you take the time to take care of yourself, you will feel good about yourself and others will notice that as well.

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